
    A importância dos Jogos Olímpicos para os anunciantes

    Andy Brown, CEO da Kantar Media, falou para  CNBC Europa sobre as oportunidades que os Jogos Olímpicos oferecem à publicidade, patrocínio e imagem das marcas.

    Confira o vídeo aqui e, abaixo, a transcrição da entrevista.

    Karen Tso, presenter: The Rio 2016 Olympics is a key event in the sponsorship calendar, with brands battling it out for a slice of the sporting pie.  So which corporates are likely to get their hands on a medal finish?  Andy Brown is with us, the CEO of Kantar Media.

    Andy, it’s a bit of a scrum to get to the end and even the pontiff has been sent a stern warning from officials from the Olympics suggesting that there is some serious attention to be paid how the Olympics brand is being used. 

    Andy Brown, Chief Executive Officer, Kantar Media: It’s an extremely sensitive issue.  The Olympics probably has a unique position in the world of sport in terms of sponsorship.  It has huge reach and huge appeal, which makes it attractive to advertisers.  The other thing I think that’s very important, the ideals that it’s linked to – fair play, human endeavour et cetera – which are all positive attributes that a brand or, indeed, a pontiff might like to be associated with.

    KT: Do you think branding gets lost in the Olympics?  I mean, I was watching it last night and I can’t nominate one brand that I saw in the backdrop.  I remember seeing the Olympic rings and a whole bunch of different countries, but the advertising was lost on me.

    AB: Well, in terms of in-stadia advertising, there are very strict rulings around that, in that there are no in-stadia advertising, in a similar way that there is no in-stadia advertising in places like Wimbledon, but there is quite a lot of activity commercially that goes on around that.  That might be through advertising, if you’re watching on a commercial TV network in another market, so for example if you look at NBC in the US, they’ve just reported record advertising demand and numbers for the first few events within the Olympics, so there is commercial activity there.  The other thing that’s changing is that the activity isn’t necessarily on the primary screen.  We’re beginning to see people consume advertising and messages on a second screen – on a tablet or an iPhone – whilst they’re watching TV.  We expect something like 85% of all people that view the Olympics to be watching with a second screen of some kind.

    Stephen Sedgwick, presenter: That is interesting, isn’t it, and we’re becoming a multi-screen society.

    Geoff Cutmore, presenter: Are there… given the amount of negative press on aspects that the Olympics have had this year, are there challenges associated with the brands about how they then phrase or present their association?  Because, I mean, the last thing you need is your name popping up next to Russians expelled for drug-taking.

    AB: I think, again, one has to be extremely careful of that and, indeed, one of the interesting things that came up when we looking at the Twitter activity over the weekend from the opening ceremony, was the reaction actually to the… when they brought the bugs on in the opening ceremony, that actually prompted the highest amount of Twitter activity around the Zika virus.  So, yes, one needs to be very sensitive about those things, but I think on balance, I think that the Olympics still represents a fantastic association for major brands.

    GT: The other problem is sometimes if your brand is not seen as particularly sporting, and we know that’s often the case with anything around the fast moving consumer goods segment; I know Strongbow, you know, is a Team GB sponsor, what does drinking cider got to do with achieving great sporting heights?

    AB: Sure.  Well, it’s about brand association, it’s about brand awareness, and different sponsorships work in different ways, and quite often what you’re trying to do with a sponsorship is to build brand awareness, and there is a huge brand awareness opportunity there.  The messaging that you might want to get for your core target audience is perhaps picked up through secondary elements within that marketing mix, so Strongbow may well be linking other promotions back to the Olympics.

    KT: I can’t imagine being an advertiser associated with the Olympics would come cheap.  How do you put it in context versus other sporting events and where does it rank?  Is it the most expensive?

    AB: It depends how… again, it depends if you’re thinking of it purely in sponsorship terms, yes, we believe it probably is the most expensive.  We don’t have the sponsorship data on all events, but we think it would be.  Again, and it depends on the investment that you’re making in terms of what you wrap around the sponsorship, to what extent that you’re backing that with advertising, but probably in terms of sports rights, along with the World Cup, it probably has one of the biggest.

    KT: What have you seen so far that you think is successful today in terms of targeting the most amount of customers, the most amount of branding awareness, successful message carry across different formats?  What do you think has come through so far that has been good in your book?

    AB: That is a tough one.

    KT: I know it is only early days. 

    AB: It’s been going for just the weekend but, again, I think some of the brands also have been associated for many years.  So if I look at brands like Coca-Cola, they have been associated for many years, again, you see positive attributes there.  But it is very difficult at this stage to give a hard and fast answer to that.

    GC: And social media, the best way, really, of getting an immediate sense of how well a campaign is going or a particular targeted campaign. 

    AB: It is interesting, because it depends what we’re talking about.  In terms of sponsorship, it is a very interesting way to get feedback.  In history, we would have had to go and do a survey, we would have had to ask people, usually after the event, which would take time and we wouldn’t get that feedback.  In terms of the Twitter feedback that we get, we can get a very fast read in near real-time as to how people are thinking about something.  In terms of audience measurement, we also have a major business around television audience measurement, and in markets like Brazil, we measure the ratings in real-time, so one can see how the audience is performing minute-over-minute and can potentially adjust content accordingly.

    GC: Any sense of the conversion rate of, you know, a person who views online as against a person who views on TV, and then their willingness to purchase the product?

    AB: Again, very complicated.  I think sometimes there is an over simplicity around the way in which online “attribution modelling”, as it is called, is done, in the sense that all of the credit is given to the activation part, the final moment when somebody clicks on “purchase” or goes to the shopping basket.  Most people do not view exclusively online, they also view television and these things work in combination, and it is quite often that you’re made aware of a brand or an opportunity or an idea on TV, and then it is actually activated online, and I think that is an important piece.

    GC: Andy, we’re going to wrap it up.  Thanks so much for coming in.  ')}



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